Gems & Gemmology
Nature of Material: Mineral species; monoclinic crystal system; chemical composition Ca2(Mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2
- Usually translucent light to dark green, yellowish green, black.
Hardness : 5 to 6
Variety and Trade Names:
- Cat’s-eye Actinolite – translucent to opaque green to yellowish green, with chatoyancy (Cat’s eye)
Nature of Material: Mineral species; triclinic crystal system; chemical composition (LI,Na)Al(PO4)(F,OH); belongs to a solid solution series with montebrasite; most gem specimens lie closer to the montebrasite end
- Transparent
- Usually colourless to light yellow or golden yellow, greenish yellow; may be light pink, green, blue, brown, or purple
- Phenomena: none
Hardness : 51/2 to 6
Toughness: poor
Variety and Trade Names: None
Nature of Material: Mineral species; orthorhombic crystal system; chemical composition Al2SiO5
- Transparent to opaque
- Usually brownish or yellowish green to orangy brown (both green and orange pleochroic colours often visible through crown); may be pure green, brown, pink, and violet.
- Phenomena: none
Hardness: 7 to 71/2
Toughness: fair to good
Variety and Trade Names:
- Chiastolite – translucent to opaque with a dark cross-like pattern on a white, gray reddish, or light brown background.
Nature of Material: Mineral group; hexagonal crystal system; chemical composition Ca5(PO4)3(F,OH,Cl);
- Transparent to translucent
- Yellow, green, violet, purple, blue, pink, brown, colourless
Hardness: 5
Toughness: fair
Variety and Trade Names:
- Cat’s-eye – semi-transparent to translucent, usually green or yellow bodycolor, with chatoyancy (Cat’s eye).
Nature of Material: Mineral species; orthorhombic crystal system; chemical composition CaCo3(carbonate)
- Colourless, white, grey, red, yellow, brown, green, blue, violet; colored varieties usually light in tone
Hardness : 3 1/2 to 4
Toughness: fair to poor
Variety and Trade Names: None
Nature of Material: Manmade imitations constructed from any combination of natural and/or manmade materials;
- All colours
- Phenomena: varies, all are possible
Cleaning Methods:
- ultrasonic: never
- steamer: never
- warm soapy water: usually safe
Nature of Material: Mineral group; triclinic crystal system; Chemical composition (Ca,Fe,Mn,Mg)3Al2BSi4O15(OH); Mineralogists sometimes specify various group members as Magnesioaxinite, ferroaxinite, or manganaxinite, depending on chemical composition
- Transparent to translucent brown, purplish brown, brownish yellow, violet, and blue.
Toughness: poor to fair
Variety and Trade Names: None
Nature of Material :Mineral species; monoclinic crystal system; chemical
composition Cu4(CO3)2(OH)2
- Usually semi translucent to opaque, rarely transparent dark blue to violetish blue
Hardness: 3 1/2-4
Toughness: poor
Variety and Trade Names: None
Nature of Material :Rock composed of azurite and malachite
- Opaque; Patterned in blue and green
Hardness: 3 1/2-4
Toughness: poor
- ultrasonic: never
- steamer: never
- warm soapy water: safe
Nature of Material: Mineral species; orthorhombic crystal system; chemical composition BaSO4;
- Transparent to opaque
- Colorless,pink,red,yellow,green,blue,brown
- Phenomena: none
Hardness : 3 to 31/2
Toughness: poor
Variety and Trade Names:
- Desert roses - aggregate rosette forms
Nature of Material: Mineral species; hexagonal crystal system; chemical composition BaTiSi3O9
- Transparent
- Blue, violetish blue, colourless or white; pink(rare)
- Phenomena: none
Hardness : 6 to 61/2
Toughness: fair
Variety and Trade Names: None
Nature of Material: Mineral species; hexagonal crystal system; chemical compostion Be3AL2Si6O18
- Transparent to opaque
- Colorless, green,yellow,light orange,pink,red(rare),blue(fading Maxixe type), Brown,black
- Phenomena: chatoyancy (cat’s eye), asterism (star)
Hardness : 71/2 to 8
Toughness: good
Cleaning Methods:
- ultrasonic: risky
- steamer: risky
- warm soapy water: safe, but avoid strong detergents and vigorous scrubbing of plastic coated stones
Variety and Trade Names:-
- Bixbite - Raspberry red
- Green beryl - green variety whose color is too light, desaturated, or yellowish to be called emerald.( very strongly bluish green through yellow- green )
- Heliodor - greenish yellow to orange or yellowish brown
- Morganite - pink
- Goshenite - colorless
- Cat’s-eye beryl - various bodycolors, with chatoyancy (Cat’s eye)
- Star beryl - typically dark yellowish brown to black, with asterism (usually 6 rays and weak)
- Aquamarine - greenish blue to blue-green, generally light in tone. Phenomena: chatoyancy (Cat’s eye)
- Emerald - very strongly bluish green through green. Phenomena: chatoyancy , asterism.
NOTE: Synthetic beryl- various bodycolors
NOTE: Plastic coated beryl- various bodycolors
Nature of Material: A variety of the mineral species beryl (BARE-ul); hexagonal crystal system; chemical composition Be3Al2Si6O18
- Light to very dark green to very strongly bluish green
Variety and Trade Names: (See Beryl)
Method: oiling is commonly used in enhanced emeralds in the trade (oil may contain green dye)
Effect: hides flaws, improves transparency, may deepen color
NOTE: The Comment will be: Evidence of oil like substances, are commonly used in enhanced emerald.
NOTE: Synthetic Emerald are available in the trade (See Beryl)
NOTE: Plastic coated Emerald (beryl)- are available in the trade (See Beryl)
SYNTHETIC EMERALD (synthetic beryl)
Nature of Material: synthetic emerald is a man-made material with essentially the same chemical composition and crystal structure as natural emerald; see Emerald.
- Transparent
- Medium to medium dark green to bluish green
- Phenomena: none
Cleaning Methods:
- ultrasonic: risky
- steamer: never
- warm soapy water: safe
Toughness: slightly tougher than most natural emerald
NOTE: Synthetic Emerald are available in the trade (See Beryl)
Nature of Material: Mineral species; monoclinic crystal system; chemical composition NaAl3(PO4)2(OH04
- Transparent to translucent
- Yellowish green to greenish yellow, rearely colorless
- Phenomena: none
Hardness : 51/2
Toughness: poor to fair
Variety and Trade Names: None
Nature of Material :Chemical composition is mostly CaCO3,plus some organic matter and water; calcareous concretions include:
- Translucent to opaque (Various colors)
- Distinctive flame-like sheen on conch and tridacna pearls
Hardness: 21/2 to 4
Toughness: fair to poor
Nature of Material: Mineral species; hexagonal (trigonal) crystal system; chemical composition CaCO3
- Transparent to opaque
- Almost all colors
Hardness : 3
Variety and Trade Names:
- Iceland spar – transparent colorless
- Marble – granular aggregate occurring in many colors
- Onyx marble – banded marble
NOTE: Dyed to improve color
NOTE: Plastic impregnation to improve appearance of polish
Nature of Material: Mineral species; tetragonal crystal system; chemical composition SnO2
- Transparent to opaque dark brown to black, yellowish brown, yellow or colorless banded with brown
Hardness : 6 to 7
Toughness: fair to good
Nature of Material: Microcrystalline or crytocrystalline quartz; hexagonal (trigonal) crystal system; chemical composition SiO2
- Virtually all colors
Hardness: 61/2 to 7
Toughness: good
Variety and Trade Names:
- Milky - white to gray
- Chrysoprase - light to medium yellowish green (natural color) material does not apply to dyed green.
- Carnelian - orange, brownish-orange, brownish-red to orangy red to red.
- Prase - grayish green
- Bloodstone or Heliotrope - dark green with brownish red spots of color.
- Moss Agate - colorless, white, or gray, with moss like inclusion (commonly green).
- Onyx - parallel layers or band of color;
- Sard - darker and less saturated than carnelian
- Agate - curved or irregular banding; any color or combination of color.
- Sardonyx - onyx with bands of sard or carnelian colors alternating with white and /or black layers.
- Jasper - any color or combination of colors, except black or bloodstone color.
- Chrysocolla in chalcedony - blue to green-blue;colored by inclusion of the copper mineral chrysocolla;
- Petrified wood - wood that has been entirely replaced by chalcedony;it resembles a patterned jasper
- Iris agate - spectral color along a typical botryoidal agate structure when light is transmitted through a thin section.
- Fire agate - dark orange-brown to brown with a botryoidal structure; exhibits iridescent along that structure.
- Dendritic agate - colorless, white, or gray, with dendrites or tree-like inclusion.
NOTE:The trade also refers to opaque, solid black chalcedony as onyx or black onyx.
- Dyed to alter color
- Heating to produce orange or orangy red from yellow to brown material
Method: dyeing:
NOTE: The Comment will be: Evidence of a applying artificial external surface color or dyeing.
Method: heating:
NOTE: The Comment will be: None
Nature of Material: Mineral species; Orthorhombic crystal system; chemical composition BeAl2O4
- Light to medium yellow to yellowish green, grayish green, brown to yellowish brown, light blue (rare)
- Phenomena: see following entries on Alexandrite and Cat’s-Eye
Hardness : 81/2
Variety and Trade Names:
- Cat’s eye chrysoberyl:
- Alexandrite:(See Alexandrite)
- Yellow to yellowish green, grayish green, brown to brownish yellow
- Phenomena: chatoyancy (cat’s eye) cases of 4-ray asterism(star) instead of Chatoyancy (cat’s eye)
Appearance: (Alexandrite)
- Daylight: yellowish, brownish, grayish or bluish green; incandescent light: orangy or brownish red to purple-red
- Phenomena: color change, may also show chatoyancy(cat’s eye)
NOTE: Synthetic Alexandrite are available in the trade (See Alexandrite chrysoberyl)
ALEXANDRITE chrysoberyl
Nature of Material: alexandrite is the color change variety of the mineral species chrysoberyl (see chrysoberyl)
- Daylight: yellowish, brownish, grayish or bluish green; incandescent light: orangy or brownish red to purple-red
- Phenomena: color change, may also show chatoyancy (cat’s eye)
Variety and Trade Names:
- Cat’s-eye Alexandrite - very rare variety with both chatoyancy and color change
NOTE: Synthetic Alexandrite are available in the trade (See chrysoberyl)
Hardness : 8 1/2
Toughness: excellent