The Authenticity of all report can also be checked on-line through our website.
AGL THAI LABORATORY CO., LTD. (“AGL THAI”) is purely a gemological entity and is not engaged in trading gemstones in any way, nor does it possess shares in any company that does. Our interests are purely gemological. Through our work we hope to achieve better disclosure in the marketplace of treatments and thus improve the gemstone industry as a whole.
The “AGL THAI” report covers the conclusions of “AGL THAI” laboratory reports expert/s who have carefully graded, tested, examined and analyzed the stone by means of specialized instruments available at the Laboratory at the time of examination. They have drawn up the report according to the highest professional standards.
The report contains the identification Premium Jewelry Report by:
Coming Soon
The report contains the Gemstone Identification Full Report by:
Accurate Photographic images, Description, Measurement, Colour, Carat Weight, Shape, Cutting Style on Crown, Cutting Style on Pavillion, Species, Variety, Transparency, Hardness plus other relevant information and stating an opinion on their authenticity, and treatment(s).
Additionally AGL gemological laboratory issue country-of-origin (when possible).
The report contains the identification of Diamond Grading Full Report by:
Accurate Photographic images, Description, Measurement, Carat Weight, Shape and Cutting Style, Colour Grade, Clarity Grade, Ultraviolet Fluorescence, Cut Grade, Polish, Symmetry, Diagram and symbols of clarity, and stating an opinion on their authenticity.
Now a percentage of well-cut diamonds, are valued for their uniqueness and quality as the ultimate in cutting precision;
Excellent-Ideal range, show some level of cut precision, simply by of good tooling will show extremely precise patterns;
Top HEARTS & ARROWS diamonds are valued for their uniqueness and quality as the ultimate in cutting precision.
Now also provides an easy way to identify your diamond and Gemstone or Jewelry set by laser inscribed.
Diamond or Gemstone and Jewelry set, laser inscription is the process of using a very fine and precise laser beam to write a report number or even a personalized message outside circumference at the girdle.
The report contains the identification of Diamond Grading Report by:
Accurate Photographic images, Description, Measurement, Carat Weight, Shape and Cutting Style, Colour Grade, Clarity Grade, Ultraviolet Fluorescence, Polish, Symmetry, and stating an opinion on their authenticity.
The report contains the Gemstone Identification Full Report by:
Accurate Photographic images, Description, Measurement, Colour, Carat Weight, Shape, Cutting Style: Crown, Cutting Style: Pavilion, plus other relevant information and stating an opinion on their authenticity, and treatment(s).
The AGL THAI Bangkok Lab
The AGL THAI Bangkok Lab fully involved in a Research Programs, in all kind of gemstone with the main focus on Ruby, Sapphire, Jadeite, Emerald, Padparadscha Sapphire, Amber, Coral, Turquoise and identification of other much more rare gemstones.
We are now leading gem experts throughout the world to maintain leadership in providing accurate and up-to-date of gemstone.
The AGL THAI Bangkok Lab serves the gem and jewelry industry and the public alike with a comprehensive range of Diamond or Gemstone and Jewelry analysis reports.
Services include:
- Premium Jewelry Report
- Diamond Grading Full Report
- Gemstone Identification Full Report
- Diamond Grading Report
- Gemstone Identification Report